About Us

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Welcome to Weerudite

We Are Erudite Marketing Private Limited

(Herein after referred as “we”, “our”, “company”; whichever is appropriate)

Erudite means having great Knowledge or Learning.

We provide various Products and Services which provide simplified knowledge on various aspects of life which will help you to enhance your understanding.

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Our Mission

To provide quality products and services

Our products and services are based on years of study and experience. We have made tie ups with professionals to give you best possible knowledge about various aspects of life in such a way that everyone can understand, apply and practice this knowledge for the betterment of oneself.

To make each and every individual financially literate

Financial literacy is a very important aspect in each and every individual’s life. Financial literacy means to have knowledge and skills which can be applied to take informed decisions for the available financial resources. Financial literacy is very important to take correct decisions about investments, so that the investments grow and give best possible returns to meet the demands.

To cultivate entrepreneurial spirit in individuals and bring out the entrepreneur in individuals

Entrepreneurship is very important to meet the financial goals of individuals. Gone are the days when job was considered as safe and secure mode of income. With the fast moving advancing world it is essential to take up the entrepreneurship to meet the advancing demands of life.

Our Vision

Increase financial literacy

Eradicate unemployment

To improve quality of life